Hamburg Marketing GmbH

Future Hamburg Award


Hamburg? Is still an insider's tip for startups. Yet the city offers one of the best digital start-up ecosystems in Europe. Hamburg Marketing and Hamburg Invest want international founders to discover the Hanseatic city for themselves. The innovation location should be a household name for everyone.


An international prize for founders: the Future Hamburg Award. With a tailored business program, it attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world to the city. It is one of the few startup awards worldwide that was created by a (local) government. And it offers startups everything they need for a successful market entry in Germany and Europe. In addition, it not only strengthens and networks the local startup scene, but also involves established large companies.


Hamburg - London - Lisbon - Helsinki. Our mobile rocket picked up the founders directly at the launch pad: the biggest startup events in Europe. With an international integrated campaign, we took the award to all continents. From classic media work and sponsored stories to social media and social ads. But also with a little help from our friends: All ambassadors and partners of the award shared our content in their networks - and triggered a snowball effect. Corporate design, website, submission tool and evaluation process - the entire competition came from one swan feather.



The Future Hamburg Award positions the Hanseatic city as one of the top locations for digital innovation in Europe - in the international media (Media Reach = 954 million visits), at various startup events (Event Reach = 147,000) and in social media (Social Reach = 2.7 million). Over 120 startups from around the world applied. Three winners from Europe received the city award on stage at the OMR Festival in front of 2,500 spectators.


Hamburg Marketing GmbH
