State garden shows - sound like a destination for bus trips? As if you could only look at pretty flowers there? Dusty instead of innovative? Nope, because they are important motors for sustainable urban development, climate protection and renaturation, for large and small cities. The funding pots - provided by the state ministries - are highly coveted and hard to get. The medium-sized city of Crailsheim wants to bring the State Garden Show 2031 to 2036 to its region. And we want to free the LAGA from its old image.
"Grows. Blooms. Connects." Our motto carries the campaign and describes how we proceed. Long-term, integrated 360-degree communication and a corporate design that accompanies the process from application to alignment. Digital and analog communication channels that reach all Crailsheim residents and generate enthusiasm for taking part. Plus an application brochure that is as bursting with innovation as Crailsheim itself.
Surveys, selfie spot, summer picnic and design thinking workshops. In campaigns and events since the start of the application process, the ideas and wishes of the people of Crailsheim have grown into real content. We relied on interaction and dialogue via the website, social media channels and classic media relations. Transparency and traceability have top priority. The integration of VR elements in the brochure - which, by the way, no one had dared to do before us - makes the Crailsheim of tomorrow visible today. And locates the application in the future.
The method of design thinking is focused on the wishes and needs of citizens. During the idea sprint, Crailshaimerthe people of Crailsheim and experts worked out creative solutions for existing challenges in small groups.